Seems like only yesterday


Entries in family (24)


What Brings You Joy?

What makes you come alive?

For me the list includes: laughing with my family and friends. Being with people I adore. Explorations in town and around the world. Being in, on or near water. Visiting gardens. Filling my car with flowers and plants to add to our back yard. Growing our own vegetables. Discovering new ways to do almost anything/like growing tomatoes in gutters or hanging them upside down from trees. Photographing everything. Creating something.

Keep the list going and growing. Submit your ideas by posting comments below. Let's expand our repertoire to include more of these memorable, often magical, moments. Imagine the impact this might have on our lives and on the lives of those around us.

"Let anyone who comes to you go away feeling better and happier. Every one should see goodness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile. Joy shows from the eyes. It appears when we speak and walk. It cannot be kept closed inside us. It reacts outside. Joy is very infectious."

Mother Teresa
From picts for cards

Love me, love my dog

Buddy, my bud.  A pound pup. Part dachshund/part terrier.  Chihuahua for sure.  A "Modesto Mutt" concluded my vet.  "A Great Modesto Mutt," I added. "He just needs a confidence boost" noted my son, the fellow pup picker.  A burrower, Buddy makes his way under the covers to my feet every night since his adoption.  How lucky am I?  I'm pretty sure Bud feels the same way.

Here's to you, dear friends and family members!

Finally a few free moments to take a deep breath and reflect back on a wonderful week filled with friends from across the country. As well as those from the Bay Area and beyond. To G who helped transform a gigantic heat sink into a beautiful, soon-to-be, high-yield garden/more on THAT later.  AND W who provided tech tutorials. 

Thank you, everyone!!!


Thank you, thank you, thank you, Wiley!

Another step toward creating a space for FP to find its way in the world.  It will be so much fun to watch Wydea take flight as well.

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